
Third Sunday in Easter

 Jesus is risen and present with us

Collect: Third Sunday of Easter

 O God, whose blessed Son made himself known to his disciples in the breaking of bread: Open the eyes of our faith, that we may behold him in all his redeeming work; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

.Acts 3:12-19  . . . Peter preaches about the power of God in Jesus and calls his listeners to respond with repentance and conversion

Psalm 4 . . . The Answering Voice

1 John 3:1-7 . . . Jesus intercedes for us, removing our sin and calling us to the obedience of love.

Luke 24: 36b-48  . . . Jesus invites the disciples to touch his risen body and to understand the meaning of the scriptures.

Will Willimon preaches a sermon called, “Presence Matters,” from Luke 24:36b-48, in which the risen Lord comes to stand among his disciples. “It’s not enough to be risen,” Willimon argues: “Jesus has to be present among us.”

Second Sunday in Easter

Jesus’ victory over death and his gift of faith to his followers

Collect: Second Sunday of Easter[i]

 Almighty and everlasting God, who in the Paschal mystery established the new covenant of reconciliation:  Grant that all who have been reborn into the fellowship of Christ’s Body may show forth in their lives what they profess by their faith; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen

Acts 4:32-35 . . . the generosity and compassion of the disciples testify to their unity and faith

Psalm 133. . .  The Treasure of Unity

1 John 1:1–2:2. . . l  we are victors when we believe that Jesus is the Son of God.

John 20:19-31 . . . Thomas’s doubts are transformed as he worships the risen Lord.

“You Missed It”  Father Michael Renninger, Pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Richmond, Virginia, tells the story of Doubting Thomas from John 20:19-31, and makes the observation that, if you’re not in the room, you could miss something really important

Easter Sunday

The good news of Jesus’ triumph over death with the conviction that what happened to Jesus will also happen to us.

Collect: Easter Sunday

 Almighty God, who through your only-begotten Son Jesus Christ overcame death and opened to us the gate of everlasting life: Grant that we, who celebrate with joy the day of the Lord’s resurrection, may be raised from the death of sin by your life-giving Spirit; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Acts 10:34-43 . . .  Peter preaches the good news: Jesus, judge of the living and the dead, offers forgiveness.

Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 . . . the hearts of believers resound with shouts of victory: “The Lord has done a mighty thing!

1 Corinthians 15:1-11. . . Paul reminds us that Christ is now our life, and we have set our hearts on him.

John 20:1-18. . . the tomb is empty, and the risen Jesus reassure Mary Magdalene of his victory.

A sermon on John “Shed it.” in the West Zion Mennonite Church


Mark 16:1-8

Sermon on Mark  by The Rev. Michael Livingston, Senior Executive Minister of the Riverside Church in New York City, preaches a sermon called “In Praise of Mark’s Easter Story,” from Mark 16:1-8. Rev. Livingston is a great fan of Mark’s Gospel, and thinks of it not as a poorer telling of the Jesus story, but as a wonderful “primer” for ministry.


The Sunday of the Passion: Psalm Sunday

The passion of Jesus.

Collect: Palm Sunday

Almighty and living God, in your tender love for the human race you sent your son our savior Jesus Christ to take upon our nature, and to suffer death upon the cross, giving us the example of great humility: Mercifully grant that we may walk in the way of his suffering, and also share in his resurrection; through Jesus Christ our Lord who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen

Isaiah 50: 4-9a . . . The prophet Isaiah introduces us to God’s servant, who does not shrink from torture but places his confidence in God.

Psalm 31:9-16 . . . The hidden face of love: outer abandonment is accompanied by an inner sense of divine Presence.

Philippians 2:5-11 . . . Paul tells us that Jesus let’s go of everything but his desire to obey God, an obedience that leads to death

Mark 14: 1-15:47 . . . Jesus, abandoned to cruelty and hatred, loses his life on the cross.

Palm Sunday video  Gospel:  Mark 14:1-15: 47,

Fifth Sunday in Lent

Our covenant relationship to God through Jesus.

Collect: Fifth Sunday in Lent

Almighty God, you alone can bring into order the unruly wills and affections of sinners: Grant your people grace to love what you command and desire what you promise; that, among the swift and varied changes of the world, our hearts may surely there be fixed where true joys are to be found; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen

Jeremiah 31:31-34. . . The prophet Jeremiah tells us that God looks forward to a new relationship with God’s people—a relationship of intimacy, forgiveness and faithfulness.

Psalm 51:1-13. . .  A prayer from a broken Spirit


Psalm 119:9-16 . . .  Song of a  Pilgrim

Hebrews 5:5-10 . . . The author of Hebrews describes the action of God that makes this relationship possible: through his suffering and submission, Jesus becomes the source of our salvation

John 12:20-33 . . .  the final chapter in Jesus’ suffering and submission begins as Jesus faces his crucifixion.

Sermon by   Dr. Amy K. Butler, Senior Minister of the Riverside Church in New York City, preaches a sermon from John 12:22-30 called, “Celebrity Sighting.” She says, “Once I had dinner in the very same restaurant where Bruce Springsteen was having dinner with his family. My friends asked the maitre d’ if we could sneak a peek, but alas–no luck. We didn’t have an ‘in’ like the Greeks did, who told Philip (a Greek name) that they wished to see Jesus.”

Fourth Sunday in Lent

Celebrate God’s mercy

Collect: Fourth Sunday in Lent

Gracious Father, whose blessed Son Jesus Christ came down from heaven to be the true bread which gives life to the world: Evermore give us this bread, that he may live in us, and we in him; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen

Numbers 21:4-9 . . . God delivers the people from poisonous serpents.

Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22 . . . The Mystery of God’s Limitless Mercy

Ephesians 2:1-10 . . . God has graciously done it all, lifting us out of sin’s grave and preparing us to do good works.

John 3:14-21 . . . Jesus is God’s gift to us, the ultimate expression of God’s mercy and love.

Sermon by  Fr Bill Cieslak of the Franciscan Renewal Center

Nicodemus’ Search for the ‘Soul of Theology‘ by Fr. Thomas Rosica


3rd Sunday in Lent

An invitation to a renewed commitment to our covenant relationship with God

Collect: Third Sunday in Lent[i]

Almighty God, you know that we have no power in ourselves to help ourselves: Keep us both outwardly in our bodies and inwardly in our souls, that we may be defended from all adversities which may happen to the body, and from all evil thoughts which may assault and hurt the soul; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen

Exodus 20:1-17;  . . . the Ten Commandments become the standard of life for God’s people.

Psalm 19 . . . A Hymn To the Universe

1 Corinthians 1:18-25 . . . Paul assures his Corinthian community that their commitment to Christ, though foolish to the world, is the powerful core of Christian faith.

John 2:13-22 . . . Jesus’ passionate love for God ignites his anger against those who treat God’s house with disrespect.

Sermon on the Ten Commandments,  Rev. Fr. Chito Dimaranan SDB

Sermon on the Gospel, by Carla Pratt Keyes, Pastor of Ginter Park Presbyterian Church in Richmond, Virginia, preaches a sermon called “When Jesus Found His ‘Why‘,”

2nd Sunday in Lent

Trust in God’s faithfulness

Collect: Second Sunday in Lent

O God, whose glory it is always to have mercy: Be gracious to all who have gone astray from thy ways, and bring them again with penitent hearts and steadfast faith to embrace and hold fast the unchangeable truth of thy Word, Jesus Christ thy Son; who with thee and the Holy Spirit liveth and reigneth, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

Genesis 17:1-7. . .  God affirms his faithfulness to Abraham.

Psalm 22:22-30. . . The Cry of the Forsaken

Romans 4:13-25. . . Paul appeals to Abraham as an example of justification by faith not works.

Mark 8:31-38. . . Jesus speaks openly and unambiguously about his death.  So, what does it mean to pick up one’s cross and follow? Is to boldly walk in love in the midst of sin, fear or whatever obstacle to God?

Sermon by Jim Somerville, Pastor of Richmond’s First Baptist Church and Co-Founder of A Sermon for Every Sunday, preaches his most-requested sermon, “The Class of ’77,”

First Sunday in Lent

God’s promise of continuing relationship

Collect: First Sunday in Lent

 Almighty God, whose blessed Son was led by the spirit to be tempted of Satan: Make speed to help thy servants who are assaulted by manifold temptations; and as thou knowest their several infirmities, let each one find thee mighty to save; through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen

Genesis 9:8-17 . . . life begins anew, sealed by God’s promise to all creatures and confirmed by the rainbow

Psalm 25: 1-9 . . .  help us find a path that leads through the vicissitudes of life towards You, Lord

1 Peter 3:18-22 . . . we are saved through the cleansing water of baptism

Mark 1:9-15 . . . Jesus’ 40 days of temptation in the wilderness end with the proclamation of God’s good news

Father Michael Renninger, Pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Richmond, Virginia, preaches a sermon from Mark 1:9-15 called, “Satan Had a Problem.”

Rev, Grace Imathiu,  Pastor of Community United Methodist Church in Naperville, Illinois, and an international speaker.  Her sermon,    from Mark 1:9-15,  called “In Those Days.”

Last Sunday after Epiphany

Celebrating God’s Transformative Presence.

Collect: Last Sunday after Epiphany

O God, who before the passion of your only-begotten Son revealed his glory upon the holy mountain: Grant to us that we, beholding by faith the light of his countenance, may be strengthened to bear our cross, and be changed into his likeness from glory to glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.  Amen.

2 Kings 2:1-12 . . . Elisha receives the mantle of prophetic responsibility from Elijah.

Psalm 50:1-6 . . . God calls the world to listen

2 Corinthians 4:3-6 . . . Paul pictures the changes brought by the light of Christ.

Mark 9:2-9 . . . Peter, James and John are forever transformed by Jess’ transfiguration.

Dazzled” – Rev. Dr. Amy K. Butler, Senior Minister at The  Riverside Church in NYC