“LIFE IS AN INTOXICANT NO AMOUNT OF MORE MUNDANE inebriates — faster, deeper, more alluring, more captivating – can possibly equal. The problem is that for life to become its own exhilarant, we must learn to live it consciously, to live it in deeply, to live it to the brim, beyond the visible to the meaningful. Somehow, in the midst of the purely natural, we must become aware of what is more than simply natural, we must cross the line between matter and spirit, between time and timelessness. We must allow one to become the other so that the gifts of neither may be lost, so that the electricity of each can be released in us.”
Joan Chittister, The Liturgical Year, page 170
Collect for Whitsunday
O God, who on this day taught the heart of your faithful people by sending to them the light of your Holy Spirit: Grant us by the same spirit to have a right judgment in all things, and evermore to rejoice in his holy comfort; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.
Acts 2:1-21 . . . the story of the Holy Spirit filling the apostles and empowering them to share the message of the gospel with people of different languages
Psalm 104: 25-37 . . . the wonders of the world created and renewed by the Lord’s Spirit
Romans 8:12-17. . . when we are moved by God’s spirit, we become God’s children and heirs with Christ
John 14: 8-17 . . . Jesus tells his disciples that in him the Father has been revealed, and he promises the gift of another Counselor, the Spirit of truth, to be with them
Will Willimon preaches, and asks the question: “How do we get to know God?” Through Jesus! “How do we continue getting to know God and God’s will for us and the world?” Through the Holy Spirit! But what does the Holy Spirit do? Listen as Willimon unpacks this passage and shares with us the good news that we are not alone in this world!